When we are palm reading then there are only four configurations (lines) are important by which we can estimate of our future.
1.) Head Line
In this headline we can estimate and we can know that how sensible we are. Even some people can establish that how much more personal level you have or how much understandable you are.
2.) Fate line
In this line or configuration you can estimate or know about your name and fame and your good will.
3.) Heart line
In this line, we can know about your healthy life that how will healthy you are.
4.) Lifeline
In this line, we can know about our life, this is very popular or most important configuration of our hand that how much time we will live.
Palm Reading To Know The Future
Palm Reading To Know About Love Marriage
From palm reading we can know about love, marriage and we can also predict that either you will go for a love marriage or you will go to a arrange marriage. For prediction of these you can follow these statements.
1.) If your lines are coming from the moon upward
In this situation there are only 10 percent of chances that you will go for a love marriage. And 90 percent chance that you will go for an arrange marriage.
2.) If your lines are coming beginning the stars like Venus.
In this situation 90 percent chance that you will go for a love marriage and only 10 percent chance that you will go about arranging marriages.
3.) If your lines are coming from the starting two fingers then you will go for a love marriage but due to some circumstances you will not get success in love marriage.
You can use these options and predict about your future.
Palm Reading To Know About Career
Actually, it will very difficult to declare someone that you will get success or not and if you will get success then how much time you will maintain your success, but we can predict even we can know that we will get success or not with the help of palm reading yes in our hand there are lots of indications and lots of signs and configurations are exist by which we can know.
1.)If we will compare our hand, then we will find that left most thumb is taller than right one thumb, if your lefter thumb is taller than righter thumb then it will lucky for your future career. But in opposite case if lefter most thumb is shorter than righter most thumb, then you will have to face some kinds of troubles in your career period.
2.) If two lines are crossed to each other in your hand, then it will luckily for your government service.
3.) If your lifeline is in the upper bond direction, then you can go for a lectureship.
4.) If your lifeline is in the lower bond direction, then you can go for foreign education, either you can go for a shipping charge, business, or Import-Export business like this kind of job. Others can go for a milk product or food business. If you will go in this production department, you will surely get success.
5.) If your Fate line is moving towards then you can get high government post.
Palm Reading To Know About Money
When we think about money that only one thing comes in our mind that life is a worthless without money. Money is not only a powerful thing, but also a most essential thing. It makes a number of people may pleased, or joyful and others totally despondent or completely unhappy. Now a day if we want to live happy then the first important thing is that how much money we have. Because our mindset is that more money makes life easy and happy. And lack of money makes life unhappy and difficult. So if we have a little bit knowledge about palm reading then we can know about money and our life also. Actually, there are some configurations and some makes available in our body from which we can understand about our stars like Venus and Mercury. As we know very well that these two stars are very effective in our body. Same as if we see of our hands, then we will see that there are lots of lines and marks and configurations from which we can estimate that how much we can get success or how much money we will achieve and how much intelligent or sensible of our mind. And so many things we can estimate or predict only can see these hand configurations. And if you noticed that every people have different configurations. The closing, type of money line never placed on the bottom of the thumb, but on the other side of the palm, and includes both the famous line and head line are exist in the middle of the thumb. This is exists is only one condition that if you will have money.